*In English after the photos
**There are texts between the photos
Vahepalana Assooride reisipäeviku loole ka esimene mustvalge lugu.
Teksti vähem, pilte rohkem.
Alati on mul reisidel kaasas mu truu kaaslane
Rolleiflex ja vahel ka Voigtländer ja seekord ongi pildid läbi nende kahe pildiotsija.
Analoogseeriaid tuleb kindlasti veel.
Teksti pistan piltide vahele.
Rahulikku kulgemist!
Valmis! | Ready!
Tulnukad | Aliens
Koduaias | Home garden
Kodumaja | Home
Banaanilehtede all | Under the banana trees
Muster | A pattern
Ponta Delgada
Naisi oodates (kohalikud) :)
Waiting for Women (locals) :)
Sao Sebastiao kirik Ponta Delgadas |
The church of Saint Sebastian in Ponta Delgada
Veel üks kohalik härrasmees | Another local gentelman
This is my first analogue series from my Azores trip. I always bring with me my true companion Rolleiflex and sometimes also Voigtländer. Trip to Sao Miguel is viewed through these two viewfinders. I think I have about 4-5 analogue sets.
Enjoy the ride with the calming black and white!
Texts are between the photos.