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Kui ühes filmirullis on peidus vähemalt kolm suuremat teemat, kuidas seda siis hallata ja kust otsast ometi alustada? Ja lühidalt. Ma igatahes proovin.
Kui ühes filmirullis on peidus vähemalt kolm suuremat teemat, kuidas seda siis hallata ja kust otsast ometi alustada? Ja lühidalt. Ma igatahes proovin.
Ma ei mäleta hetkel, kumb oli enne, kas
rull 127 formaadilist Perutz’i rullfilmi või Kodak Brownie Reflex kaamera.
Igatahes oli see minu esimene rull 127
formaati ja Brownie teeb just seda filmi ning tema kaadri suuruseks on 4x4 cm
ning ühtlasi oli see esimene kord ka katsetada just seda kaamerat.
Perutz’i rullfilm aga polnud mingi
„tavaline“. Vähemalt enam mitte. Kui teda toodeti ja müüdi, siis ta ilmselt oli
tavaline. Praeguseks on ta vana ja võiks isegi öelda, et kergelt „hapuks“
läinud. Senised katsed Perutz’i 120 filmiga on suhteliselt ebaõnnestunud olnud ja
ma ei oodanud tegelikult suuri saavutusi ka sellelt rullilt, olgugi ta teist
Tuleb meelde Ivo Linna lauldud laul „
Aasta siis oli 65 ...“
Pistsin rulli kaamerasse ja kandsin kaasas
iga ereda ilmaga. Peaaegu. Vahepeal küll päikest polnud, nii poole aasta jagu,
aga nüüd kevadel viisin rulli lõpuni ja ilmutasin ära.
Ja mis ma sain – ma sain pildid! Sain esimest
korda pimikus suurendada pildi Perutz’i negatiivilt. See oli küll mõnus tunne.
Kaamera tegi oma tööd ka hästi. Kuna tal
on ainult kaks säriaega ja üks ava, pole seal erilist peamurdmist. Pealegi on
selle filmi ISO ammu juba jalutama läinud.
Kaamera kohta nii palju, et kui ma ta
leidsin ühest kauplusest, siis kahtlesin veidi, aga kui pildiotsijasse vaatasin,
armusin ära. Kodak Brownie Reflex kaamerat toodeti u 1940-1960. Minul on just
see varasem versioon.
Nii on juhuste kokkulangemisel saanud minu
elu esimeseks 127 filmiks üle 50 aasta vana filmirull 40ndate aastate kaameras,
mille kogutulemit jagan rõõmuga.
Kaamera: Kodak Brownie Reflex,
Film: Perutz 127, aastast 1965
Pildistatud /
ilmutatud 2018
If one roll of film contains at
least three important issues where do one even start? And make it short? At
least I will try.
I don’t exactly remember which one
was first – either the roll of Perutz or Kodak Brownie Reflex. Anyway I once
had a roll of 127 format film and I also had a sweet Brownie that wanted just
that type of film.
This Perutz film is no “ordinary”
film. Not anymore. Maybe when it was produced it was but then the year was 1965.
By now it is old, in a bad shape and with decorating pattern on its surface.
I didn’t expect anything big from it
because the tests that I did with several rolls of 120 film were not good. I
almost lost my motivation for this film.
One day I put this 127 film in my
Brownie and started to carry it with me whenever there was sunny and a chance
to find some object.
After the development first it seemed it was black as usual but then … there really was something on it! The very first time I had a chance to actually enlarge a frame from Perutz in a darkroom and it felt so good.
After the development first it seemed it was black as usual but then … there really was something on it! The very first time I had a chance to actually enlarge a frame from Perutz in a darkroom and it felt so good.
The little camera had worked well,
it is so simple it only has one aperture and 2 shutter speeds so there is not
much to think about and the ISO of this film is long lost.
About the Brownie – it was introduced
in 1940 and discontinued about 1960. I have the early model. When I saw the
camera I hesitated but when I looked through the viewfinder I fell in love.
It was a bundle of little
coincidences that my first roll of 127 film is over 50 years old and the camera
I used is almost 80. And now I am able to present to you with great joy and
pleasure my results from this magical roll.
Kodak Brownie Reflex (UK version) about 1940
Film: Perutz
127 (from 1965)
Photos taken
/ developed 2018
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